Here’s your chance to explore Vermont and the upper valley of New Hampshire and kindle your mind with new ideas with with this Trail Finder Website.

Here’s your chance to explore Vermont and the upper valley of New Hampshire and kindle your mind with new ideas with with this Trail Finder Website.
Yesterday we set out to hike from David Logan Shelter to Sucker Brook Shelter. It was a beautiful day. We slack packed 12 miles the day before from the Inn at the Long Trail and spent a second night at the Inn. They serve a very scrumptious and filling breakfast that I highly recommend stopping […]
So excited to be on top of the world! We expect to hike around 60 miles over the next four days. Our plan is to be at Rt 17, better known as App Gap, by the end of Thursday, August 15. Then we will have hiked home to Huntington!
We continue our adventurous hike to Canada! A few obstacles and a sore IT band in my knee may have slowed us, but nothing will prevent us from enjoying the excitement the Long Trail offers. Tomorrow (Saturday 8/10) we will celebrate our first 100 miles by hiking over Killington and staying at the Inn at […]
I thought I’d let everyone know where we actually are on the trail today. After last Tuesdays rain and wet tent at Kid Gore shelter, we’ve been off the trail searching for a better tent. First, the Long Trail has a wonderful shelter system and we love to stay in them. I have found that […]
On Tuesday, July 23, I awoke at mid-night to heavy downpours and wind. Not good, I thought. We had hung our sweaty hiking clothes and socks outside to air out for the evening. For the next few hours I tried very hard to sleep. I couldn’t. The rain continued to come down hard and the […]
Jonathan drove Carl and I back to Route 9 in Bennington on Sunday, July 21. This would be the start of our third day on the Long Trail. I had new boots and we were ready to resume our LT hike north. Here we had to start our 1.6 mile upward hike, through Split Rock […]
Today is Sunday July 21 and after 5 days off the trail we are headed back to hop on where we left off at Route 9 in Bennington, VT. The cobbler can repair my broken boot but it will take two plus weeks. It is time to shop boots. Plus I need recovery time to […]
Monday, July 15 we surprisingly didn’t get up until 7:30. It was a very warm 70° evening and no one really fell asleep until after mid-night. Carl was concerned that we slept in because he wanted to get an early start. I assured him we would have plenty of time to make today’s destination. Jonathan […]
With our truck loaded with three full packs Carl, Jonathan and I left Huntington at 8:30 am Sunday, July 14 to drive to the southern start of the Long Trail. Today we planned to hike around 6.6 mile. I consider this a half day hike and wasn’t in any rush to make it to the […]