We Celebrate 100 Miles!

We continue our adventurous hike to Canada! A few obstacles and a sore IT band in my knee may have slowed us, but nothing will prevent us from enjoying the excitement the Long Trail offers.

Tomorrow (Saturday 8/10) we will celebrate our first 100 miles by hiking over Killington and staying at the Inn at the Long Trail. My parents will join us for a good Irish meal and beer. Yum!! Plus a soak in the hot tub.

It will also be a sad moment — all of our AT friends will part from the Long Trail and continue their journey to Maine. We will now hike with less traffic as we continue northward to Canada. We have the beauty of the trail to keep us company.

We expect to hike home to Huntington from Route 4 over the next four days. We plan to be hiking over Mt Mansfield by next Friday!!

I have lots of video and photos and little time to process them all. So, for now, I have included a few photos highlighting the paste few days. Trust me, lots more to come.

Nice views at Airport Lookout on the Long Trail.

Jonathan slack packed us from Rt 140 to Rt 103. We enjoyed nice views at Airport Lookout.

chicken mushrooms

We have learned how to find and feast on these wonderful tasting “Chicken Mushrooms”! Blueberries are also a major part of our trail diet.

fishing at stratton pond

Carl made a 1.5 oz ultra light backpacking fishing pole. This is his first test at Stratton Pond. Never caught anything, but saw a bullhead.

lost pond shelter

Our most favorite night on the trail. We enjoyed dinner and great conversations by a campfire with our new AT hikers friends. Brownie, Still Don”t, Mr Dallas and Muffin confided in their secret trail mission. They call themselves “The Thru Project”, and are lead by “Still Don”t’s” inspirations to document the AT experience through photos. They plan to sell the photos with 25% of proceeds going back to the trail. We look forward to following them online and seeing their captured trail moments.

los ponds helter

Dancing with Bears taught Carl how to make and start a campfire with birch bark in a teepee formation.

morning boot routine

The morning routine of putting on stinky socks and boots.

occupy and hilga

Our AT hiker friend Occupy fitting his dog Hilga with her new pack. Hilda slept on the porch of Spruce Peak Shelter and protected us from all those nasty little critters that come out at night.

stratton shelter

When the bugs are bad, we sleep in our tent. Here at Stratton Pond Shelter we took the top bunk where we could setup our tent inside the shelter. This also keeps spiders and mice away!

2 Responses to We Celebrate 100 Miles!

  1. Logan & family August 10, 2013 at 6:10 pm #

    Congrats on the 100 miles! Can’t wait to hear more! PM me when you get to Birch Glen. Maybe D & L will visit!

    • Cara August 12, 2013 at 1:51 am #

      We would love to see D & L on the trail. We have actually already hiked from App Gap to Montclair shelter. We flip flopped north a few weeks ago and hiked this section. We still need to hike up the City Trail and up and over Camel’s Hump on a weekend. We’ll let you know when!

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